Tuesday, 15 May 2012

20 Questions

Pic of the day: Me checking out Half Dome (left) and Nevada Falls (right).

Meeting new people is relatively easy. Especially when you're scrunched together in a van. It's keeping up the conversation the day after that seems to be the challenge. Maybe it was just the lack of sleep in the van that was the reason for the apparent silence in the morning. But following our peanut butter and jelly (and potato chip) sandwiches (PB&J) everyone seemed to be abuzz. Then with a long drive ahead, we needed a driving game and got started on 20 questions. It was a great way to get everyone talking, we had a great time and it got us through the trip. We might need some more driving games tomorrow. We have a 600km drive through Death Valley to Las Vegas.

But lets not skip ahead too far. Let's actually go back to breakfast. Now I want to talk about bagels for a minute. It's a doughy donut-shaped breakfast thing (I know, great description) that is IMPOSSIBLE to eat. I know and other know I'm a slow eater at the best of times, but this thing probably took me an hour to eat. It was the toughest thing I have ever eaten for breakfast. But the PB&J (their jelly is just jam) we had for lunch later was... ok actually.

Anyway, today's driving was well worth it. We took a detour from the planned path to inspect Glacier Point, where you see everything in Yosemite National Park. We certainly got to see much of the path we took yesterday. Photos below:

Vernal Fall (lower - which I climbed yesterday) and Nevada Falls (upper).
Yosemite Falls. The ledge left is apparently popular with basejumpers.
And on the way up... we saw snow!!! I guess it's little surprise since we were up at 7214ft (2199m). That's only 29m below the level of Mt Kusciuszko! It was still pretty warm. It gives you a great idea of the magnitude of these peaks. Photos don't do it justice sorry. Our last stop before ending in Bakersfield, California was the Giant Sequoia Grove, which features several massive red-barked trees growing up to 82m high and up to 17m wide in some areas of California. Huge, huge trees. Here's my pick of the photos.

"Faithful Couple" Giant Sequoia Tree
Viva Las Vegas tomorrow! Hopefully I get some good stuff from our limo tour down The Strip.

I really like to read your comments. Please leave some. What can I add to my blog for you to enjoy it more or make it easier to read?


  • Do you know any good driving games? Please let me know and explain to me how they work and we might give them a go when we hit the road tomorrow.


  1. Nadia Cybulski15 May 2012 at 23:35

    I Spy is always a good one, but seeing as though you may be driving through a bit of desert, it would probably get a bit repetitive.

    As for the ledge that's popular with basejumpers..I have a friend who loves that ledge with a passion :)

    PS Great photos!

  2. We play one where you choose a topic like "Movies beginning with M" & you go from person to person until someone can't think of one. That's my favourite.

  3. Love your picture of you sitting on a rock gazing into the distance. A very dry commentry.
